Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to Poop Talk

Welcome to Poop Talk!

I was inspired to start this blog today due to a typical embarrassing experience in a public restroom. And I thought, why not talk about it?

That's right, I ripped a big one and forgot someone was in the restroom with me. So I did what every normal person would do. I waited. And what did the other person do? She waited too...for me to come out. As if her seeing me would make her feel like the hero in this piece. "Gotcha!"

I sat there on the cold toilet seat, pants dropped to my ankles. It seemed like minutes passed. It was getting a bit chilly. While she took her time, I clenched my ass cheeks to make sure I didn't let another fart out. Making sure also not too clench so hard that one would squeeze by.

Oh come on, we've all been there. Don't judge me.

In the end, I won the battle. She left without knowing the mystery farter in the restroom. Success.

I just need to make sure not to wear the same shoes. Until next time.

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